Posted on September 23rd, 2019
It’s not uncommon for many home and business owners to put off fence installation until the early spring. After all, that’s when landscaping, hardscaping and planting typically recommences. However, many don’t realize if the ground isn’t frozen, Fence by Maintenance Service, Inc. can install your fence any time of the year – including the winter.
But, why not just wait until the spring? Fence by Maintenance Service, Inc. has several reasons to consider scheduling your winter fence installation today!
Folks in Western Pennsylvania jump at the chance to begin their yardwork once the first signs of spring appear. Springtime means more time spent outside. And, whether your fence needs replaced, you have a dog or young children, or simply want a bit more privacy, so begins the struggle of finding a fencing contractor who can install a fence as fast as you can set up your grill and patio.
Because the wintertime isn’t as busy as the warmer months, you’ll have an easier time getting on your contractor’s schedule. Beat the rush – consider winter fence installation.
There is no getting around it, building your new fence will require some disruption to your yard. Digging equipment, installers, cement and other tools and materials are all apart of the process. And while your yard will resume its previous state post-completion, why disrupt your outdoor living space during the spring? The winter months are spent inside. Consider installing your fence during the wintertime.
During the spring, summer and fall, trees, shrubs and other types of plant life often act as a natural privacy barrier from neighbors and passers-by. However, once the leaves fall and plants go dormant in the winter, privacy may be lost. Adding a fence can aid in seclusion and security, when your yard is otherwise is left exposed. Once the dormant landscape gives way to new life, you’re fence will add a new dimension to your yard.
Once the summer disappears into cooler months, many plants, trees and shrubs we’re used to seeing in full bloom tucker out for their long winter’s nap. Lush landscapes fade into open, more visible spaces. With the last of the leaves raked, trees cutback and flowerbeds cleared, the dormant landscape and decluttered yard makes it easier to install your fence. Furthermore, it also prevents damage to your lawn and plant life.
Considering winter fence installation in Pittsburgh? Fill out our Online Form or call Pittsburgh fence service, Fence by Maintenance Service Inc. at 724-935-3021.